Miami Seabreacher - The Shark Submarine of Miami Beach FL | Adrenaline Activities

January 12, 2015 3 min read

Miami Seabreacher - The Shark Submarine of Miami Beach FL | Adrenaline Activities

Miami Beach Shark Submarine Seabreacher

 You are probably like me, an adrenaline junkie always reading up on the newest adrenaline activities and toys of the rich & famous. So you spot the seabreacher in some annoying Buzzfeed clickbait or fancy airline magazine.

This $60,000+ monstrosity looks like a shark submarine on steroids, the breaches the water like a dolphin running from some hangry Killer whales. Then just when you’re enjoying a nice refreshing cocktail here in Miami beach (FL) on Ocean ave, a few times a day this street shark is towed up and down the South beach Miami strip to lure in its next bait. (Not to be confused with that sweet 90s cartoon) That right you can afford to ride in the Miami Seabreacher, but just for a few minutes.

 Die Epic’s – Adrenaline Activities Rating: 8.3


  • Lets be honest, none of your friends have done it yet – let alone taken a selfie in it.
  • When the captain pushes down, get ready to scream. The SeaBreach is surprisingly roller coaster like when it shoots down then speeds straight up. Get ready for a hard (but fun) landing.
  • Great crew and easy instructions.


  • Isnt cheap. Over a hundred bucks for under 15 minutes of adventure (not including the dingy ride out there)
  • Didnt barrel roll.
  • Goes slower then you think. Online search shows the Seabreacher can hit speeds of 40 mph above water and 20mph under. As an avid jetskiers, was slower then expected.
  • You can’t drive it, trust me I tried bribing them too.
  • It’s tight. I’m over 6 foot, but rumors are taller can fit in the beach of the ‘breacher. Might not be for the claustrophobic and prepare to sit like you are giving birth.

 Hint: I was the last ride the orange shark submarine, which happen to be on a nice day. So scored an unrushed trip and free sunset cruise, though departure was slightly delayed. #WorthIt

I highly recommend Miami Seabreacher, or as I call it to my friends the "Miami shark or dolphin submarine Jetboat kinda thingy", and Im pretty sure I hold the world record for first person to ride a seabreacher while wearing Google Glass to record it. Keep an eye on Die Epic's YouTube Channel for it. 

 How Miami Seabreacher works:

Meet at the ramp near Jungle Island, pay your tour guide (did take credit cards when I went) and don’t forget to tip after. Once squared away head in a small dingy to the site, which for us was prime south beach Miami, in between Star island and Monument island. Though I tried waving to Carmen Electra, she didn’t wave back (but my marriage proposal stands!). You take turns 1 at a time on your epic adventure. Your guides will have gopros and cameras everywhere if you want to purchase an optional video of you in the bad ass little shark sub.


Wanna go? Well good news TeamEpic! I negotiated 10% off for you.

You must call Felipe Arango, owner of my fav tour company, at (786)704-2359.

He might be on one of his famous Jetski tours so leave a message if so.

Promise me if you take advantage of the EpicDeal will use #DieEpic on your pics, and let us know if you have any issues. 

To us a solid. Since getting 10% off, we kindly ask you use #DieEpic on your trip's pictures. So we can repost them and make sure you had a blast. 


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