Serial Entrepreneur, saved a drowning victim at 11, been bitten by a piranha, ran a public traded company by 29, and the son of treasure hunters out of Key West.
Expertise: Full stack software engineer with specific expertise in web and server application architecture and development as well as designing and implementing software development lifecycle processes and methodologies
What makes me epic: Parents wouldn’t sign-off for skydiving when I was under 18 years old. On my 18th birthday (December 12th in NJ; yes it was cold) I drove down and made my first jump in below freezing weather. It was the first of many
Goal (within next year): Take my motorcycle down to Key West and loop the island
Get Motivated Quotes:
You have to learn the rules of the game. Then you have to play better than anyone else
If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got